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Including Neurodiverse Workers into Self-Directed Teams

CE Hours 0.75

About this course

Teams are necessary and important. We will examine the different types of teams and compare them. We will consider what neurodiverse workers are, their advantages and challenges from their perspective, and from the organization perspective. Finally, we will review what self-directed teams need to do to be welcoming to neurodiverse individuals. Attendees will learn about six different teams, their differences, advantages and disadvantages. Attendees will understand why self-directed teams are best for organizations and neurodivergent workers.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the six different teams, their differences, advantages and disadvantages.
  • Explain why self-directed teams are best for organizations and neurodiverse workers.
  • Discuss neurodiverse workers and why they are assets to self-directed teams.
  • Explain what self-directed teams need to do to be welcoming to neurodiverse co-workers.
  • State the four broad systems of organizing that drive employee effort.

Learning Levels

  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Course Instructor(s)

  • David Camp, PE

    David B. Camp, PE is a New York State licensed (#049035) and Michigan State licensed (#5216752) Professional Engineer with over 40 years of experience in industry. He has gained expertise in new product development, product launch, leadership and management, empowerment, planning and organizing, creative and nonconventional problem solving, and team building and communications, just to name a few. Specifically, David has worked as Operations Manager for Quality Liaison Services where he handled all operations for the company, including setting up projects, all personnel management, troubleshooting, inventory control and billing. He has also worked as Project Manager, on-site, at Ford Motor Company where he worked on the Super duty Platform to assist with their Lean Enterprise initiative which retained the position of most profitable platform at Ford. In addition, he has worked as project manager for Eastman Kodak Co. where he diversified project management accomplishments, not only in discipline but also in dollar size ($10K to $20MM). He was responsible for project plans and led research, design, development, and launch of a motion picture film, hailed by customers as "the best color print film in the world." He also led the development and launch of an MV copier (OEM product) which later became the model for all OEM copier products. With the same company, he worked as Corporate Commercialization Process where he designed an interactive training course for over 100 people which resulted in higher quality work efforts and less time needed to work. He gained specialization as a change agent. He also worked as a consultant/facilitator for top management to create strategic 5-year plans by contributing a neutral perspective and diverse business experiences from other business units. As plant engineer, he managed two paper mills and increased cost reductions, efficiency, and safety.


Disclosure of Conflict of Interest The following table of disclosure information is provided to learners and contains the relevant financial relationships that each individual in a position to control the content disclosed to Amedco. All of these relationships were treated as a conflict of interest, and have been resolved. (C7 SCS 6.1-6., 6.5) David B. Camp Commercial Interest:Relationship - NA Acknowledgement of Financial Commercial Support No financial commercial support was received for this educational activity. Acknowledgement of In-Kind Commercial Support No in-kind commercial support was received for this educational activity.


  • Pantazakos, T., & Vanaken G.J. (2023). Addressing the autism mental health crisis: The potential of phenomenology in neurodiversity-affirming clinical practices. Frontiers in Psychology, 14. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1225152.
  • Dwyer, P., Mineo, E., Mifsud, K., Lindholm, C., Gurba, A., & Waisman, T.C. (2023). Building neurodiversity-inclusive postsecondary campuses: recommendations for leaders in higher education. Autism in Adulthood, 5(1), 1-14. http;//doi.org/10.1089/aut2021.0042.
  • Dobbin, F. & Kalev, A. (2016). Why diversity Programs Fail and What Works Better. Harvard Business Review, July-August 2016.
  • Baron, D. (2023). Mastering the Art of Corporate Cultural Belonging: The Four C's Framework. Open Immersive Reader.

CE Process Info


  • David's presentation
    1 parts
    • David's Improved presentation 3
  • Society for Human Resource Management

    Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

    Society for Human Resource ManagementCourse #25-MQY2P SHRM Recertification Provider

  • Human Resource Certification Institute

    Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI)

    Human Resources Certification Institute Course #682102

Including Neurodiverse Workers into Self-Directed Teams
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  • CE Hours
  • Type
  • Publication Date
    Oct 19th, 2024
  • Expires on
    July 30th, 2025

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